Employee engagement is a critical aspect of any company's success and can have a significant impact on productivity, customer satisfaction, and financial performance. In this article, we will explore what employee engagement score is, steps to calculate it, factors that affect it, and how AI can help. We will also look at some employee engagement score examples, what constitutes a good score, and top employee engagement software options available in the market.

Introduction to Employee Engagement Score

Employee engagement score is a metric that measures the level of engagement, motivation, and commitment of employees towards their work. It is usually calculated through employee engagement surveys or questionnaires that ask employees to give and rate their sentiment on various aspects of their job, such as job satisfaction, organizational support, career growth, and work load.

The purpose of measuring employee engagement score is to identify areas where the company can improve employee engagement and satisfaction. A high employee engagement score is an indicator of a healthy work environment, where employees feel valued, fulfilled, and productive. On the other hand, a low employee engagement score can be a warning sign of low morale, high turnover, and decreased productivity.

Factors that affect Employee Engagement Score

Several factors can affect employee engagement score. These factors should be kept in mind as early as the crafting of the survey questions so you can check the scores given to each factor or dimension and determine areas of improvement. Remember that taking action is the most crucial part of the process.


The quality of the company's leadership, including communication, recognition, and support, can have a significant impact on employee engagement.


The company's values, norms, and practices can influence employee engagement, as well as the sense of belonging and purpose.

Work environment

The physical and social environment of the workplace can affect employee engagement, such as the level of autonomy, flexibility, and collaboration.

Compensation and benefits

The company's compensation and benefits package can affect employee engagement, as well as the perception of fairness and equity.

Career development

The opportunities for career growth and development can impact employee engagement, as well as the sense of fulfillment and purpose.

How to calculate an Employee Engagement Score

Traditionally, employee engagement is measured through surveys and questionnaires. It is important to design the employee engagement survey well and craft the questions carefully. Questions should be relevant to the company's goals, values, and culture. They should also be clear, concise, and easy to understand.

The typical format used to structure employee engagement survey questions is a Likert scale with five response options corresponding to points 1 to 5. Make sure to include a neutral response as well as thoughtful phrasing.

It is best practice to calculate the engagement score per survey question and have an average score per question. You may also want to ask multiple questions for each dimension of the employee experience you want to evaluate. For example, create a section for “job satisfaction” and ask multiple questions about the topic such as “How satisfied are you with your job?” or “Do you enjoy going to work?”. In this case, you will want to average the scores per section or per dimension. This allows you to determine the positive and negative points in the employee experience and identify areas of improvement.

Organize questions under dimensions of work to pinpoint areas of improvement.

To calculate the score per employee, simply add up the points from their responses and divide by the number of questions. To calculate the score of the organization, get the average score of all employees. You may also want to know the score per department or team to share with managers.

Each team is different so don't forget to calculate scores per team and per department.

While the examples we provide for calculating employee engagement scores are simplified for clarity, employee surveys can be more complex, with multiple questions and varying weights assigned to each question to arrive at an accurate measure of sentiment.

Remember that surveys should be conducted anonymously, whether online or in-person, to encourage honest responses and reduce bias. If analyzing manually, make sure all names are striked out and changed to an employee number. It might be tricky and will require extra work, but it’s crucial to maintain anonymity throughout the analysis and evaluation process in order to build trust between employees and the organization.

Employee Engagement Score levels

Employee engagement scores normally range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating higher levels of engagement. Here are some employee engagement score examples:

Low Score: 0 - 29%

These employees may exhibit signs of being disconnected from the team, a lack of interest in work, and a low level of communication. They may need extra motivation to complete work tasks.

Neutral Score: 30 - 69%

These employees may have enough motivation to get the job done, but their commitment to the work and the company is not optimal. While they may be open to learning, they may also complain or show disinterest in addressing issues or problems. This is the standard level.

High Score: 70 - 100%

These employees are committed and enthusiastic about work-related tasks. Communication lines are open and they are proactive in proposing solutions to problems. They are enthusiastic about learning and achieving their work goals. There is a high level of commitment to the team. This is the ideal level.

What’s a good Employee Engagement Score?

A good employee engagement score depends on various factors, such as the industry, the company's goals, and the company's size. However, as a general rule, a score above 70 is considered good, while a score below 70 needs attention.

It's essential to note that the employee engagement score is not the only indicator of employee satisfaction and engagement. It should be used in combination with other metrics, such as turnover rate, absenteeism rate, and productivity, to get a complete picture of the company's workforce. It is equally important to keep in mind the limitations of surveys and other self-report methods and take engagement scores from surveys with a grain of salt.

How can AI help calculate the Employee Engagement Score?

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help calculate the employee engagement score by analyzing data from various sources, such as surveys, social media, and performance metrics. AI algorithms can identify patterns, trends, and correlations that can provide insights into employee engagement levels.

AI can also help personalize the employee engagement survey by tailoring the questions to each employee's preferences and needs. This can increase the relevance and accuracy of the survey and improve the response rate.

Moreover, AI can help predict employee engagement levels by analyzing historical data and identifying the factors that contribute to high or low engagement. This can help companies take proactive measures to improve employee engagement before it becomes a problem.

AI technology also offers a new way to collect data on employee engagement by analyzing communication channels like Slack messages and emails, instead of relying on survey data. Through natural language processing and semantic analysis, AI can provide real-time and anonymous tracking of engagement levels, making it easier to monitor progress and determine the effectiveness of initiatives. It's an exciting development that could revolutionize how companies measure and improve employee engagement.

Use tools to measure, track, and manage employee engagement

Erudit is the first psychology-backed AI tool that provides employee engagement levels and actionable insights from real-time data. Apart from engagement, the platform also tracks burnout risk, turnover risk, job satisfaction, and more with no employee surveys required.

Measuring and improving employee engagement is crucial for any company that wants to succeed in today's competitive market. The Employee Engagement Score is a useful metric that can provide insights into employee satisfaction, motivation, and commitment. By following the steps outlined in this guide, companies can calculate their employee engagement score and identify areas where they can improve. AI-powered tools and employee engagement software can also help companies measure, personalize, and predict employee engagement levels. By taking action to improve employee engagement, companies can create a healthy work environment, increase productivity, and achieve long-term success.

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